Movies We Watched
In Those Years

Movies are our lives and have become part of our lifestyle. The subject matter of the movie comes from life, it is to show the stories in the society through the form of the screen. Films have entered thousands of households people's hearts. It also adds fun to our lives and adds laughter. Our lives need entertainment and spiritual wealth.
Here we have selected movies from 1990-2016 that are not quite good in ratings and reputation. Let us review the wonderful movies of this period!

The Top 10 Movies

The following are the top 10 movies from 1990-2016 which have the highest IMDb ratings. You can click to see the details. Eligible movies are ranked based on simple numeric votes cast by users for a title from IMDb.

The movie follows a story arc and the story is plausible

For any movie to be enjoyable, it has to suspend our disbelief. In other words, it has to combine all of the elements to help us forget we’re watching a movie and immerse us into the story. Having a comprehensive story arc is the first step in helping the audience do that.

The movie has an interesting premise and has entertainment value

There are many ways to entertain us. Comedies like Dumb and Dumber keep us laughing nonstop. Others like Mission Impossible are just flat out adrenaline spiking thrill rides. It’s never a good sign if dad starts snoring.

The themes are identifiable and intriguing

We should be able to identify the themes and sub-themes. What message is the movie trying to send other than to entertain us with a story? What’s truly special is when the theme is embedded into the story itself.

The characters are multidimensional and the acting is convincing

Characters are based on people, and people are multifaceted, with their own hopes, desires, faults and aspirations, characters shouldn’t be so different. Main characters should be multidimensional and motive-driven.

The dialogue helps tell the story in the correct context

Most dialogue should have a calculated approach to facilitating the story and revealing the characters. That doesn’t mean to have “talking heads” tell us exactly what’s happening on-screen. Whether it’s a monologue or crafty subtext, the dialogue should augment and elaborate the story that is being told by the action.

There is a consistent visual language that is enhanced by the lighting, setting and wardrobe.

Continuity is king. This concept goes beyond the Rule of Thirds, or any camera technique. The shot selection, camera work, the angles, all of it should mesh together and create a uniform language that is easy for our eyes to follow.
  • From this table, we can see. Among the higher quality movies, the fantasy adventure category has the largest number, followed by comedy. We know that most people's lives are regular and peaceful. Feel the extraordinary life from the movie, and see the extraordinary scenery or objects that are invisible in the real life, which can make people feel excited. And it is easy to understand why comedy is popular. After experiencing busy work, a good comedy can heal people's fatigue.

The Distribution of IMDb RATING

4 scroing ranges

High-quality portfolio

We have selected 135 high-quality movies, of which only 18 are below 6 points, indicating that the quality of our portfolio is very high. Even so, only 20 movies are above 8 points. Obviously, 8 Movies with points above are the best of the best. Every one is worth watching.

Between 6 to 8

Movies with 6 to 8 points in the portfolio accounted for the majority. Although the score did not reach 8 or more for various reasons, there are still many very exciting movies. For example, the movie Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves is about the British Robin who was entrusted by his prisoners to find Maria, who went on the way of fleeing chivalrously, united with the oppressed, and jointly overthrew the brutal rule of the sheriff. The film tell the exciting story of that era which broden our eyesights.


The barchart below demonstrates the different numbers of film in four range of ImdbVotes. We set an interval of 100k.There are only 17 films have votes between 300k to 400k. The most amount of votes are 100k to 200k,indicating the comman number of votes in high quality Film collection. And 25 extraordinary films have many people likes,they earn more than 400k votes.

Classic Movie Quotes

Selected from Hollywood's top 100 lines
"If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."

TAKEN, 2008
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

"You don't understand! I could've had class. I could've been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am."

"I don't like sand. It's all coarse, and rough, and irritating. And it gets everywhere."

Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't."

Legally Blonde (2001)

Final Thoughts

Movies are already a part of our lives. Although many movies indeed start every year, and I want to make a profit. The real good movies will not be buried. We can see the epitome of life in the movie, and even feel some enlarged details of life.

When you are free, watch a good movie. Open your hands to embrace the world in the movie and feel the beauty of the movie...